University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship UMGF

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) 2023/2024

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship is one of the ways the school rewards students for their academic performance. Over 2 million dollars go to the best students yearly; aside from being very helpful to them, it can also be used to stimulate the interests of students as well as the incoming ones toward their studies.

The University of Manitoba is in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and is recognized as one of the top leading institutes known for world-class education. This may not be a form of direct scholarship but this can be very helpful in the pre-graduate stages.

Field of Study

All programs under Graduate Studies offered by the University of Manitoba are considered for the Scholarship.


  • To benefit or win the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship, below are the requirements:
  • Students must have been admitted into the University of Manitoba to stand a chance of being offered the monetary award.
  • Must have applied for admission with a GPA of not less than 3.0.
  • Must be studying for a Master’s or Ph.D. student at the School.
  • Be registered as full-time students in the unit that recommends them for a UMGF.

Target Countries

All students from any country studying at the School are qualified but awardees will be determined based on how they have fared in the class

Host Institution

The host Institution is the University of Manitoba where training and the award will be received.

Scholarship Value

  • Master’s students who qualify for the award will receive $12,000 per year for 2 years. Each awardee gets $24,000 in total.
  • Doctoral students who qualify will receive $16,000 per year for 1, 2, 3, or 4 years which is up to $64,000 in total.
See also  APEX Awards for International Students 2023/2024

Application Instruction

The application process will be determined by your department. However, all intended students of the school should contact their department for guidance, the opening date of the application, and the deadline.

The department or unit will make its selection based on the student’s academic profile. After, they will make a recommendation to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The FGS will now take it from there and notify the awardees via email.


Application forms for this competition are typically released in late November, and completed applications with official transcripts should reach the relevant Department by January 15, 2024, which also happens to be the closing date for the Scholarship.

Scholarship Link

For detailed information about the Scholarship, visit the Official Website.

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