APEX Awards for International Students

APEX Awards for International Students 2023/2024

The APEX award scheme was created by the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the Royal Society to provide experienced researchers with a great chance to engage in cross-disciplinary research that is driven by curiosity. This scheme is supported by the Leverhulme Trust.

This will present another opportunity for researchers as well as international students to secure the funds for their studies for up to 2 years.

Before you apply, make sure you meet all the eligibility requirements which we will be providing information on in subsequent writeups.

Program of Study

Teaching and administrative duties (Applicants must hold an established academic position)


To apply for public engagement projects through the APEX Public Engagement Grant scheme, there are a few requirements and guidelines to keep in mind:

  • You can only apply for public engagement projects after successfully receiving an APEX award.
  • To be eligible for an APEX award, you need to be affiliated with a UK University or a not-for-profit research organization throughout the project’s duration. Additionally, you must hold an established academic position.
  • Your application should align with the scope of more than one of the academies.
  • Any public engagement projects funded by the APEX Public Engagement Grant must directly relate to your primary APEX project.
  • It is encouraged for APEX award holders to collaborate with public engagement professionals when developing and implementing their engagement projects.

Target Countries

All qualified students from any part of the world are encouraged to apply for the Award.

Host Institution

Any University or not-for-profit research organization in the United Kingdom.

See also  UWL International Ambassador Scholarship 2023/2024

Scholarship Value

An award of up to £100,000 for up to 24 months (2 years)

Application Instruction

To submit your application, please use the Society’s grant management system called Flexi-Grant®. This is the designated platform for application submissions.

Once submitted, your application will undergo the evaluation process outlined on the “Making a grant application” page. This process is overseen by the APEX Awards Panel, which will review and assess your application.

If you have any issues or complaints, email [email protected].

Opening Date and Deadline

The closing date for the Scholarship is November 2023.

Scholarship Link

For more information about the Award, you should visit the Official Website.

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