CRS Syllabus for Jamb Exam

CRS Syllabus for Jamb Exam 2024/2025

Is CRK / CRS part of your subject combinations for your Jamb Exam? Then you need to download the Christian Religious Studies Syllabus as you would need it. The copy is available for free.

The Syllabus contains an updated list of topics that are likely to come out as test questions. Giving the syllabus maximum attention is one of the ways to get a good score.

How to use the CRS Syllabus

If you are not new to using the internet, then you should have a seamless experience. However, here are our suggested guides:

1. Download the PDF Viewer

The first thing you want to do is confirm if your device has a PDF Viewer, as it is needed to access the file. However, if you do not have one on your phone, you can download it for free from your application store.

If you have a computer, you won’t even need to download a PDF Viewer as most modern browsers now have a feature that allows you to access and open a PDF file.

2. Download the CRK Syllabus

No need to go to other sources, the syllabus is available for free on this page. To get it saved or open on your device, simply click the link to the file and commence the download session which should not take a second as the file is very small.

3. Go through the documents

Spend a brief amount of time reviewing the topics to understand the potential questions that might appear in your exam. This is not meant for in-depth reading but to acquaint yourself with the content.

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4. Visit the last page

On the last page of the syllabus, you will find a list of suggested bible passages that undoubtedly will help during your studies.

5. Begin your study

Scrolling through through the list is enough to tell you how much work you will need to do. Why not start now instead of waiting a few days before the exam to start reading?

Download the JAMB CRS Syllabus

The file can be accessed here. By clicking the link to the file, it will automatically prompt you to download or open on your device. If you are on a computer, you will be able to preview the copy before downloading.

See the download links for other Jamb Subjects

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