Is Commerce among your subject combinations in your upcoming Jamb exam? Now it is the time to download and use the current syllabus tailored for the subject.
The syllabus contains a list of likely questions that may come out during the exams. It will guide you on where to read and if you can make use of it to your advantage, there is a high possibility of having a good grade.
If you’ve been using the internet for a while, using these steps should be a breeze. But if you’re new to this, don’t worry. We’ve got some helpful tips for you.
How to access and make use of the Jamb Commerce Syllabus
Step 1: Check for a PDF Viewer on Your Device
First, check if your device already has a PDF viewer. Many newer devices come with one pre-installed, and most modern web browsers can open PDF files. But if you don’t have one, you can easily download a free PDF viewer app from your phone’s app store.
Step 2: Download the Commerce Syllabus
We have already secured the syllabus for you, all you just need is to click the Download icon to have the file saved into your device.
To open it on your smartphone, you must have already installed a PDF viewer. However, if you have not, you can download one for free from the store. Your phone may even come with the app preinstalled which means you may not even need to download one.
If you are on a computer, you do not need one as you can easily use your browser to access the Commerce Syllabus.
Step 3: Review the Syllabus
Take a few peeks and get familiar with the topics as that would be where to work. You do not need to cover but an 80% coverage when reading for an exam will give you a better chance to score a good grade.
Step 4: Check the Last Page
You are probably wondering what it is about the last page. It is where you can find recommended textbooks that you can read up for your exam. The syllabus combined with any of the suggested ones will be a good fit.
Step 5: Start Studying
Now that everything is set, it is time to study as much as you can. Set up a timetable and work on getting better. Starting early helps you understand what you need to work on, and how and where to improve.
Download the JAMB Commerce Syllabus
To obtain a copy of the Commerce Syllabus, just click the link, and the download will commence automatically. Once the download is done, you can access it using a PDF Viewer. If you are on a Computer, you could also use any of your browsers to open the copy.
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