Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships 2023/2024

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program was launched by the Government of Canada to discover doctoral students within and outside the country with a view to nurturing and retaining talents. This move has helped Canada to improve research and higher learning.

Every year, up to 166 scholarships are awarded every year to eligible students giving candidates more chances than they will ever get elsewhere. It is also one of the best out there with more funds. This confirms why every year, thousands of international students apply for the program.

We will be guiding you on the correct steps and with the required information to apply for a chance to win the Scholarship.

Program of Study

The doctoral program must include a research component that will lead to the completion or success of a major research project, thesis, dissertation, scholarly publication, recital, and/or show that it has passed through expert review at the school as a requirement leading to the completion of studies.

Joint graduate research programs with a professional degree (e.g., DVM/Ph.D., MBA/Ph.D., MD/PhD, JD/PhD), as well as clinically-oriented programs including clinical psychology, are among the programs accepted for Scholarship provided they have a solid research component as described above.


Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and foreign citizens are all accepted for the scholarship. To be eligible for the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS), the following criteria must be met:

  • You need to be nominated by a Canadian institution that has received a Vanier CGS quota. Remember, you can only be nominated by one institution.
  • Eligible applicants should be pursuing a first doctoral degree. This includes joint programs such as MD/Ph.D., DVM/Ph.D., or JD/Ph.D., MBA/Ph.D., as long as they have a solid research component.
  • Must have it in mind to run full-time doctoral studies and research, either in the summer semester or the academic year following the announcement of results, at the institution that nominated you. In the case of joint graduate research programs, only the Ph.D. Students will get funding.
  • As of May 1, 2024, All applicants should have completed no more than one year and 8 months (20 months) of full-time study in their respective doctoral programs.
  • When enrolled in a joint graduate research program (e.g., MA/Ph.D., MD/Ph.D., DVM/Ph.D., MS/Ph.D.), Candidates must have completed no more than 32 months of FT study in your doctoral program by May.
  • Other requirements and instructions can be found on the official page.
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Target Countries

Citizens of Canada, Permanent residents, and international students from other countries, whether EU or non-EU can apply.

Host Institution

All universities in Canada with Vanier CGS allocation.

Scholarship Value

The value of the Scholarship Vanier CGS is $50,000 per year for three years. In total, a beneficiary could get up to $150,000

Application Instruction

The nominating institution must have received a Vanier CGS quota. The applicants won’t be able to apply themselves as it is the institution that will nominate them. Vanier CGS application package will first be forwarded to the Canadian institution that will be putting forward the selections.

If you are new to the Canadian academic system, you can do your research first online. Also, you will want to confirm that your institution of choice has a quota for the year by confirming through the Vanier CGS quota page.

As stated before, your institution will nominate desired students. However, the student can also contact the faculty at the selected school to let them know about the intent to apply for the Vanier Scholarship.

The student will now prepare the application and submit it to the nominating institution by their internal deadline using the ResearchNet app system.

The nominating institution makes the selection and then forwards the list to the Vanier-Banting Secretariat (the Secretariat). This will be reviewed by Vanier. Nominated candidates will be informed later via email.


The application for the Scholarship will close on November 1, 2023 (Currently Closed).

Scholarship Link

For more information about the Scholarship, you should visit the Official Website.

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