How to check NECO Result

How to check NECO Result 2024 with your Phone

If you are on this page, then there is a good chance you have received the news that the NECO result is out. Now the step is how to check your result.

It is actually easy and can be done using your mobile phone. There is no need to spend an additional fee in a cyber cafe if you have access to an internet-enabled phone.

In this post, we will guide you on the proper step to check The National Examinations Council (NECO) result online without breaking a sweat.

Requirements to check NECO Exam Result

Below are what you need for checking your neco result

Examination details

To ensure that the result that will be displayed is for you, you must provide your examination year, examination type, and most importantly the exam registration number. None is superior as any mistake in number or information given to the system will render the whole process invalid or incorrect.

Token number

All NECO candidates will need to purchase tokens. On the NECO page, You will be able to buy it with the aid of the most reliable and easily accessible payment platform.

An internet-connected phone

You need a phone connected to the internet to check your neco result. This is also applicable to those who wrote the NECO GCE Exam.

How to check NECO Result Online

1. Purchase the NECO token number.

The token is needed to access your neco result online using your phone or computer. Normally, I would prefer to buy it on the official Neco result site. There are also other places such as Flutterwave, and Mycyberteller where you can get it. NECO token number is sold at ₦1,200.

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2. Go to the NECO Result Website

After getting your NECO Scratch Card or token number, the result can be checked by going to the NECO page dedicated to displaying candidate results. Simply enter on your browser. Opera, Chrome, Safari, and most browsers can be used to access the site.

3. Select your NECO examination year.

Ensure you select the year that corresponds with the year you sat for your NECO exam. If it is 2006, it has to be 2006.

How to check NECO Result

4. Select your examination type

When you click this section, you will be able to view the drop-down list. Among them, you will come across SSCE Internal and SSCE External. SSCE Internal is for school candidates while SSCE External is for private candidates. For instance, if you write a NECO GCE, then you will be qualified as a Private candidate since you are not writing as a current student of a secondary school.

How to check NECO Result

How to check NECO Result

5. Provide the token number

The token number is like a NECO result scratch card but this time, it is bought online. Enter the NECO token number into the field and go to the next step.

How to check NECO Result

6. Enter your NECO registration number

NECO Registration Number is a 12-digit number assigned to NECO candidates after registration. Every student is assigned a registration number for the year they sat for the neco exam. Carefully enter the number/pin into its field.

How to check NECO Result

7. Click the big “Check Result” button

Lastly, there is nothing else to do but to punch the “Check Button.” if the information is correct, your result will display on the screen. You can print out the result or save it for use later.

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