Aberystwyth University Entrance Examinations and Merit Awards

Aberystwyth University Entrance Examinations and Merit Awards

Aberystwyth University provides a distinct form of recognition and support to its students, known as an award. While it may not offer the same financial magnitude as typical scholarships, it does come with its advantages.

While the monetary value of the award might not be as substantial as some scholarships, one of its notable advantages lies in the flexibility of its usage. Recipients have the liberty to allocate the funds towards various expenses, including educational materials, research endeavors, or even day-to-day bills. This versatility allows students to address pressing financial needs beyond tuition fees, creating a more comprehensive support system.

Program of Study

Bachelor’s degree programme at the school


Entry requirements for academic courses can vary significantly based on the subject of study and the specific course or program being offered.

As part of the process, you’ll be required to take two exam papers, each lasting an hour and a half. Based on your performance in both papers, you have the chance to receive up to £1,000 annually and secure a guaranteed place to study here.

Target Countries

Domestic and international students from all countries

Host Institution

Aberystwyth University

Scholarship Value

Worth up to £1,000 a year plus an unconditional offer

Application Instruction

How to apply – Online Application Form

Before submitting your application form for the Entrance Exams, it is essential to seek permission from your Exams Officer. This step ensures that they can make the necessary arrangements for you. As part of the application process, you will be required to provide the name and email address of your Exams Officer to obtain confirmation and send exam instructions at the appropriate time.

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For applicants outside the UK, the school will evaluate each case individually. If international applicants do not attend an eligible school (such as an International School), there might be an option to take the exams at a British Council Office. However, please note that any arrangements in such cases will be at the applicant’s expense. International applicants will need to directly coordinate with the British Council in advance to make all necessary arrangements before submitting their application forms.


The deadline for the application is on Jan. 23, 2024

Scholarship Link

For more information about the Aberystwyth University Entrance Examinations and Merit Awards, visit the Official Website.

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