top reasons why Teachers are better than Farmers

10 Reasons Why Teachers Are Better Than Farmers

For centuries, millions of people have had reasons to argue on the reasons why teachers are better than farmers. Some critics have centered their arguments by implying that teachers will not exist without the efforts of farmers, and why some critics assume that teachers are the ones who pass on relevant knowledge to farmers.

A farmer will not simply know the method or process of managing his farm produce, without the presence of a teacher.

Teacher Vs Farmer; Which Is Better?

This section will address the question: Who is a farmer? and who is a teacher? Generally, a teacher is an individual responsible for lecturing and mentoring others. The primary objective of a teacher is to impart knowledge to individuals who then use that knowledge to contribute to their society.

A farmer on the other hand is a person who is responsible for engaging in activities that result in bringing out produce for man’s consumption. There are different dimensions of farming, and farming does not simply revolve around the cultivation and harvesting process on land.

Similarities Between Teachers And Farmers

Teachers brainfeed all professions, while farmers engage in activities that are beneficial for all man consumption.
Teachers’ and farmers activities are significant to attaining sustainable developmental goals in a country.
Teachers and farmers help promote job opportunities.

10 Reasons Why Teachers Are Better Than Farmers

1. Fixed Income

Although many people have argued about the yearly income earnings of both teachers and farmers, it is believed that a teacher earns better than a farmer because of their fixed earnings. Although a farmer may earn better than some teachers, the success of his wealth is reliant on how much he can produce and how much he sells his farm produce.
Teachers do not have to sell to make money, and an example can be drawn from teachers getting paid to rest during the holiday seasons.

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2. Appearance

One of the notable reasons why teachers are better than farmers can be deduced from their appearance. Teachers are people who often appear neat, and are often perceived to be a white-collar job. The same cannot be associated with farmers because there is a slim chance of seeing a farmer looking neat irrespective of their field of farming.

The fact remains that a farmer has reasons to get his hands dirty in the long run while a teacher does not.

3. Agent Of Socialization

Teachers can be referred to as agents of socialization because individuals will not be able to communicate without the presence of a tutor. For example, a farmer may find it very difficult to interact especially on the bigger stage if he or she has not been coached on how to speak and write by a Tutor who is also can be called a Teacher.

4. Knowledge Basis

Another reason why teachers are better than farmers is because teachers have universal knowledge about life, history, philosophy, law, etc. However, a farmer’s knowledge is only restricted to his farmland, poultry, and barn, amongst others.

A teacher possesses strategic knowledge that can be beneficial to farmers, and this knowledge or ideas can be used for branding purposes, or to give a farmer technological ideas on how to ease farming processes.

5. Empowerment

A farmer’s produce gives an individual strength to handle life hurdles, but it’s a teacher who passes down knowledge that empowers the human mind. A teacher through various forms of coaching, and mentorship can empower a person with relevant skills that will help generate revenue while on the other hand, a farmer is simply interested in selling off his farm produce in exchange for money.

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6. Societal Influence

Teachers are more influential in society given that teachers are often regarded as individuals with knowledge. They are more respected in the society as compared with a farmer. For example, a teacher is expected to have attained relevant certification and licensing in related fields before he can practice.

These certificates and licenses distinguish them from other professions in society and a teacher is more respected than a farmer who may or may not have educational degrees.

7. Enhance Decision Making

Teachers are agents of change in the sense that they influence technological and economic changes amongst others. A teacher’s knowledge has helped develop ideas, and policies, that have cut across various fields while society can only rely on farmers as a medium of consumption.
Teachers equip every individual with relevant knowledge that helps them in their everyday life. For example, teachers are one of the reasons why government can make certain decisions that are beneficial to the economy.

8. Inspiration

Unlike farmers, trends have shown that teachers often Influence the choice of occupation in people’s lives. Teachers do not only serve as tutors in the classroom, they also inspire people to be innovative and to think outside the box amongst others. For example, most technological inventors have claimed to draw out some of their knowledge from their teachers. A teacher can also inspire other people by simply believing in their dreams and believing in a better life for them in the future.

9. Diversity

A teacher has more privileges in his profession as compared with a farmer. Because of the knowledge a teacher possesses, he is given special privileges in the society. For example, there are cases where teachers have been appointed as political advisers to political leaders thus making it easy for a teacher to switch to politics.
A teacher possesses requisite knowledge that enables him to switch to whichever profession he desires. In other words, a teacher cannot be a teacher for life whereas a farmer can simply revolve around agriculture for a long time.

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10. Benefits And Privileges

There are numerous benefits and privileges associated with being a teacher, unlike farmers. For example, a teacher is entitled to pension privileges where he continually gets paid for serving as a teacher, and the same cannot be guaranteed for a farmer.

A teacher can also be entitled to other allowance benefits depending on the type of organization they work in. For example, lecturers are entitled to allowances while they are on strike, as well as travel allowance, amongst others.


In essence, both teachers and farmers make the world a better place. Both professions are important to making the world a better place, but the teaching profession is associated with more benefits, and privileges than that of a farmer. Most farmers engage in hard work before they can feed themselves and their families. But a teacher’s work is less tedious.

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