Why Farmers Are Better Than Doctors

Top 10 Reasons Why Farmers Are Better Than Doctors

Historically, the doctor and farming profession are among the oldest professions. Every nation requires the services of a doctor and farmer to survive and live a healthy life. The relevance of both professions has often been debated by numerous academic students, scholars, and researchers, mostly centered on which profession is more important.

This publication aims to acknowledge the importance of both farmers and doctors while also stating reasons why farmers are more important in our society.

Understanding Who Doctors And Farmers Are

Farmers are individuals with knowledge of the process of agriculture, animal husbandry weather, and climate conditions, amongst others with the sole aim of meeting man’s demand. Farmers play a major role in ensuring the continual existence of the human beings.

Doctors on the other hand are responsible for providing medical health care to people through the process of diagnosis, surgical procedures, and treatments. A doctor’s service is usually required when there is a need to treat accidents, genetic conditions, etc.

Farmers Vs Doctors; Which Is Better?

Farmers have been underappreciated for their roles in the society in fighting against hunger while doctors have received accolades and honors for saving lives. Although both professions are significant in society, the preservation of life and the environment is dependent on farmers.

Similarities Between Farmers And Doctors

  • Doctors and farmers understand the importance of plants for human survival.
  • They know that roots and herbs are beneficial to man’s health.
  • They both contribute to the nation’s GDP.
  • Their services are relevant in their home country and overseas.

Top 10 Reasons Why Farmers Are Better Than Doctors

1. Food Security

Farmers are very essential in every society because they ensure the provision of food. Their role in cultivating, harvesting, management of livestock is significant in ensuring food security. Doctors on the other hand are simply involved in medical-related activities and have no practical knowledge of the provision of food.
Farmers provide the foods we eat daily and without them, the world will be in a state of hunger.

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2. GDP Boost

Farmers are one of the major factors that influence GDP growth in every nation. The revenue generated from the buying and selling of agricultural produce, and livestock amongst others help to improve the economy. The revenue generated by doctors has a minor impact on a nation’s GDP growth, meanwhile, farmers are often involved in the export of agricultural products.

For example, farmers export produce such as millet, fruits, meats, and fish, amongst others which is crucial for integrating the country into the world economy and reducing the impact of external shocks on the domestic

3. Provide Employment Opportunities

Doctors are reliant on working for the government or a private institute before they can earn an income for themselves and their families. Farmers on the other hand can be independent, and can in turn be the employers of others.

For example, a farmer engaged in livestock farming can provide job opportunities by seeking an inventory manager, a vet, a marketing manager, etc.

4. Production Of Raw Materials

Farmers do not only produce food for human consumption but have been linked to the provision of raw materials. The clothes we wear are extracted from cotton, and most leather belts, and bags, are extracted from animal skins, amongst others.

Farmers make it possible to use various raw materials like rubber, timber, and many others for the benefit of humans, unlike doctors who only deal with medical-related activities.

5. Less Certification

Doctors have to pass through stages of education, research, and tests before they are qualified to be called medical practitioners. Farmers on the other hand do not require any form of certification to practice all forms of agriculture.

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A doctor must possess a license from the government or medical school before he can be acknowledged as a practicing medical doctor. However, farmers do not need to go through the stress of getting certified which means, a farmer does not require any form of education.

6. Decrease In Import

Countries whose economies rely on the import of goods and services are most likely to suffer. According to economists, a country’s import and exports is supposed to be at an equilibrium in order to prevent a deficiency in the economy.

Farmers ensure the reduction in the import of goods by producing foods and raw materials for the consumption of people in their society.

7. Community Support

Farmers and doctors are beneficial to people in their communities for various reasons. However, a farmer can provide more support through a massive reduction of prices of farm producs sold to people in his environment while a doctor’s price may remain fixed.

A farmer also supports the community by providing food for people in the society thus enabling every other profession to thrive.

8. Protection Of The Ecosystem

Farmers understand the beauty of nature, and they help protect the ecosystem by planting flowers and studying climate and weather changes. Doctors on the other hand have to dedicate years of their lives to researching the human body. The point is farmers are important because they engage in activities that benefit the health of people in a society.

For example, a branch of small-scale agriculture that involves the planting of flowers is significant in improving the quality of air breathed in by humans. Without farmers purifying the oxygen we inhale, other professions, including doctors, would not exist. Additionally, doctors rely on nutritious foods produced by farmers to carry out their duties effectively.

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9. Provision Of Nutritious Foods

Farmers are not just responsible for the provision of food but are equipped with the knowledge of providing foods that are nutritious to the human body. They understand the body’s needs for carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and many others because of their significance in promoting health and wellness.

Studies have shown that people who eat nutritious food appear more healthy and do not need to visit the hospital for a long time.

10. Provide Medicinal Plants

Research has shown that doctors and medical practitioners harness medicine and herbs from the study of certain plants, and roots. These plants would have not been in existence without the presence of farmers to cultivate them.

This means doctors will not be important in our everyday society without the knowledge and expertise of a farmer in cultivating plants.


In conclusion, everyone needs the expertise of a farmer and doctor to live a healthy life. However, farmers’ roles are slightly more important than doctors because they make it possible to access food items and raw materials and provide job opportunities.

Farmers secure the future of mankind while doctors may only manage medical conditions. Another point to note is that doctors will not be able to discover medicines from roots and plants without the presence of farmers.

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