UBC Public Scholars Award

UBC Public Scholars Award 2023/2024

The scholarship is one of the ways that the UBC Public Scholars Initiative has adopted to build a bridge and community, and also aid doctoral students who want to use their research for the public’s benefit.

UBC Public Scholars Award is open to Citizens, Permanent Citizens as well students from other countries who want to experience other traditions and possibly a better education.

Every year, funding is offered to around 30 new students from various faculties at both UBC and UBCO. Students who are chosen for the program will have the opportunity to receive funding and renew for the second academic year.

Program of Study

University of British Columbia doctoral programs


To be eligible for the funding, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • UBC Vancouver doctoral students (Ph.D., EdD, DMA), including part-time Ph.D. students, in years 1-5 and UBC Okanagan doctoral students 1-5 are accepted
  • Applicants should have completed no more than 48 months of doctoral study by 31st August.
  • Applicants must be registered in a UBC doctoral program by 1st September.
  • In exceptional circumstances, applicants in their 6th year (48 to 60 months of doctoral study) may be considered.

Target Countries

All countries are considered for the UBC Award/Scholarship

Host Institution

University of British Columbia, Canada

Scholarship Value

Each student has the opportunity to receive up to $10,000 twice, which adds up to a total of $20,000.

Application Instruction

To complete your application, please follow these steps:

  • First, All applicants should download two files from the provided link under the “Further Information” section: PSI Fellowship Application and PSI Fellowship Application Instructions.
  • After downloading the form, you can edit and save it by giving it a new name.
  • Fill out the Application form following the given guidelines.
  • Upload the completed PSI Fellowship Application form and your Canadian Common CV as a single PDF file. Use the provided page, which is a Qualtrics form, to complete the upload. Before submitting, carefully read the Overview section on that page to ensure correct submission.
  • For the mandatory supervisor letter of support and any optional letters of support from collaborators, share the page with your letter writers. They can open the page and follow the link to upload their letters.
  • Following these steps will complete your application.
See also  University of Ghent Doctoral Scholarships for Developing Countries


Application for the Scholarship will close in March 2024.

Scholarship Link

For more information about the Scholarship, you should visit the Official Website.

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