Universities in Nigeria offering Open & Distance Learning

Nigerian Universities Offering Open & Distance Learning Courses

As the need for flexible learning grows, Nigerian universities are adjusting to the changing educational scene by embracing Open and Distance Learning. With the backing of the NUC (National Universities Commission), these institutions are helping students pursue their academic aspirations while managing other responsibilities.

Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is redefining the traditional classroom setting by allowing students to pursue their education without the need for physical attendance, except for essential activities like examinations and practical sessions. This approach caters to the diverse needs of learners and promotes lifelong learning opportunities.

NUC has approved 25 universities as dual-mode institutions, equipped to deliver degree programs through open and distance learning alongside the conventional face-to-face mode. These universities play a crucial role in expanding access to higher education and meeting the growing demand for flexible learning options.

Here are the names of the universities offering Open and Distance Learning (ODL) courses:

Universities that operate Distance Learning Centres in Nigeria

S/NUniversitiesODL Centres
1University of Ibadan, IbadanDistance Learning Centre
2Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-IfeCentre for Distance Learning
3University of Lagos, AkokaDistance Learning Institute
4University of Maiduguri, MaiduguriCentre for Distance Learning
5Modibbo Adama University of Technology, YolaCentre for Distance Learning
6University of Abuja, AbujaCentre for Distance Learning and Continuing Education
7Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, OgbomosoLAUTECH Distance Learning Centre
8Ahmadu Bello University ZariaDistance Learning Centre ABU, Zaria
9Lagos State UniversityLagos State University Open and Distance Learning and Research Institute
10Joseph Ayo Babalola UniversityJABU Center for Distance Learning
11University of Nigeria NsukkaUNN Center for Distance and e-Learning
12Federal University of Technology MinnaCenter for Open Distance and e-Learning
13Babcock University IlishanCenter for Open Distance and e-Learning
14University of IlorinCenter for Open and Distance Learning
15Afe Babalola University, Ado-EkitiOpen and Distance Learning Centre
16Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-IwoyeOpen and Distance Learning Centre
17Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port HarcourtInstitute of Distance Education
18Usmanu Danfodio University, SokotoCentre for Open and Distance Education (CODE)
19Enugu State University of Science and TechnologyOpen and Distance Learning Centre, Agbani
20University of BeninCentre for Distance Learning
21University of CalabarCentre for Open Distance and e-Learning
22University of Port HarcourtCentre for Open Distance and e-Learning
23Igbinedion UniversityCentre for Open and Distance Learning
24Mountain Top UniversityOpen and Distance Learning Centre
25Federal University of Technology AkureOpen and Distance Learning Centre
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