Highest Paying STEM Jobs in Europe

Top 10 Highest Paying STEM Jobs in Europe

STEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths is a combination of professional areas that deals with any of these four subjects. There are careers that are closely knitted with STEM and these careers are called STEM careers.

In this blog, I will be discussing 10 of these careers that are highly paid in the entire Europe. What this means is that whether you’re already in any European country looking for a career to start or you’re looking for a job in Europe from outside Europe, you can leverage on any of these 10 careers which I’m going to discuss in depth.

Why Choose STEM Careers?

It might seem like a hard thing to venture into with the plethora of career choices available in today’s world, but aside from the fat salary and bonuses that come with working in a STEM-related field, you get to be part of a community that is actively revolutionizing the world.

Most STEM careers are future-centric and in an era where many people are losing their jobs or being displaced by AI, people working in STEM stand a higher chance of upskilling and retaining their jobs. STEM careers are already sort of intertwined with AI so that they can work together without affecting themselves. This makes STEM a lucrative place to look out for when seeking a career path.

Top Paying STEM Jobs in Europe

Data Scientist

A data scientist is a person who uses computers and statistics to compute numbers and identify trends and patterns from large data sources. Due to how important data is in organizations, data scientists are highly sought after by companies to help them analyze their customer and competition data.

The salary of a data scientist in Europe starts from $50,000 to as high as $130,000 depending on the specific location, organization, and most importantly, expertise and experience level. To become a data scientist in Europe, one can get a degree in mathematics, computer science, or statistics, take up additional courses, and acquire minimum experience.

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Software Engineer

A software engineer is a person who leverages methods of engineering to design, develop, maintain, and test software systems. They often work with UI/UX, testers, and security teams.

Being a software engineer comes with knowing a variety of skills often covered with a degree in computer science or computer engineering. This job attracts a salary of between the range of $33,000 to $89,000 a year and can potentially go up depending on a number of factors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist

AI is taking over and it is not strange to see that artificial Intelligence specialists all over the world are one of the most sought-after professionals in the STEM community and by virtue of that, they are highly paid also.

If you are fascinated by AI or you are already a professional in the Artificial Intelligence field, you can take advantage of this, and venture into the European workforce. AI professionals earn an average of $76,000 a year.

Machine Learning Engineer

A STEM career that is closely related to AI is machine learning shortened as ML. Machine learning engineers work on the algorithms that power AI models making them an indispensable part of the STEM workforce in a place that’s as technologically advanced as Europe.

A degree in computer science, NLP, and even mathematics can get you into this fascinating career path that pays from $51,000 to $100,000 a year.

Cybersecurity Analyst

With the rate at which organizations are adopting technology and utilizing data, cyber threat potential is rising and to combat this, the demand for cyber security professionals is also rising, especially in the entry-level role of it which is cyber security analysis.

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Venturing into cyber security requires both soft skills and STEM levels skills like mathematics and professionals with expertise in cyber security analysis get paid an annual salary of around $60,000 a year with some earning up to $70,000 as beginners depending on the specific country.

Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum engineering is a core STEM career that has been around and popular for a long while. Even in an era like this where the world is transitioning to electric means of powering things, petroleum engineers still have an active career. One good thing about working as a petroleum engineer in Europe is that you don’t necessarily need to have a university degree in petroleum engineering.

You can also become a petroleum engineer with a degree in mechanical engineering or even civil engineering. The salary of a petroleum engineer in Europe is very dynamic and the ratio is very wide with Germany paying very higher than most European countries.

Medical Doctor

Another core STEM career. Being a medical doctor requires rigorous training as it is a very competitive career that is both demanding in mental capacity and time. As such, medical doctors in Europe are highly paid, one reason many people migrate to Europe with hopes of getting a job as a medical doctor or even attend European universities as an undergrad in medicine.

Medical doctors in Europe earn from $60,000 to as high as $200,000 yearly. This is not surprising due to the type of work they perform. To practice medicine in Europe, you must be duly licensed just like every part of the world.

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Aerospace Engineer

Space science is a valuable choice of career in STEM and very active too. Aside from outer space and satellites, Aerospace engineers concern themselves with the development of aircraft and even missiles. Building and maintaining these crafts costs a lot and requires a lot of brain and manpower.

This makes this career path a high-paying career in STEM. With the innovations in the European aerospace industry, there’s no doubt that aerospace engineers have enjoyed a boost in their salaries. On average, an aerospace engineer earns around $80,000, and NASA engineers earn way higher than most engineers.

Biomedical Engineer

Biomedical Engineering also known as BME is the engineering part of medicine that uses engineering knowledge to improve healthcare by developing new technologies and equipment.

Though a combination of medicine and engineering, it is an exciting STEM career to get into. To become a biomedical engineer, one needs to have a degree in biomedical engineering, sometimes, a degree in traditional engineering is accepted and biomedical engineers go home with an annual salary that starts at $40,000 for starters.

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers design, develop, and test electrical equipment and systems. They work in various industries, including power generation, telecommunications, and manufacturing.

To become an electrical engineer, one will need a degree in electrical engineering or a similar field. Salaries for electrical engineers in Europe are very similar to that of a Biomedical engineer starting from $40,000 a year.

Wrapping Up

Europe is one place to look at if you are focused on STEM, especially Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom. If you are already a European citizen, you can intensify your efforts by getting a STEM career. You can take up more courses, acquire certifications, and gain experience with volunteering and internships.

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