Commonwealth Master's Scholarships

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships 2023/2024

The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships, funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), provide opportunities for talented and motivated individuals to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for sustainable development in the United Kingdom.

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) administers a UK government scholarship scheme with a focus on international development goals. Operating under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP), it showcases the UK’s ongoing dedication to the Commonwealth.

The CSC aims to attract talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, supporting them to become leaders and innovators in their home countries. This work aligns sustainable development with the UK’s national interest and fosters international partnerships and collaboration.

Program of Study

Eligible full-time postgraduate programme at one of the


To apply for these scholarships, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Reside permanently in an eligible Commonwealth country
    Be available to commence academic studies in the UK by September 2023
  • Hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard by September 2023, or a second class degree (2:2) along with a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree)*. Note that the CSC typically does not fund a second Master’s degree in the UK, so justification is required for applying for a second one.
  • Demonstrate financial need and inability to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Submit all supporting documentation in the specified format.

Target Countries

Only candidates from the following eligible countries can apply for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships:

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Bangladesh, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Dominica, Eswatini, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Montserrat, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, The Gambia, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, and Zambia.

Host Institution

Universities in the UK.

Scholarship Value

The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for 2023 offer the following benefits:

  1. Coverage of the selected candidates’ return air tickets.
  2. Full tuition fee coverage.
  3. A monthly stipend of £1,236 or £1,516.
  4. An allowance for warm clothing.
  5. Coverage of the cost of the thesis or dissertation.
  6. Study travel grants within or outside the UK.
  7. Monthly child allowance of £529 for the first child and £131 for the second and third child under the age of 16, if the candidate is widowed, divorced, or a single parent.
  8. Additional allowance for disabled individuals.

Application Instruction

Candidates need to apply to one of the nominating agencies listed below, as well as to the CSC. Nominating agencies will then put forward candidates to the CSC. The CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships.

National nominating agencies: This is the primary application route.
Selected non-governmental organizations and charitable bodies.

Each nominating agency has its own selection process and may have additional eligibility criteria. Candidates should check with the nominating agency for advice, application rules, and their own eligibility criteria. Nominating agencies may have their own closing date for applications.

Candidates must complete an application using the CSC’s online application system, along with any other application required by the nominating agency. The CSC cannot accept applications that are not submitted via the online application system.

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The deadline for submitting your application is 17:00 hours BST (16:00 GMT) on October 17, 2023. Make sure to submit your application before this date and time.

Scholarship Link

For more information about the Scholarship, visit the Official Website.