Top reasons why teachers are better than Doctors

10 Reasons Teachers Are Better Than Doctors

Choosing the best profession in the world often comes at times with comparing two or more selected professions. Various academic scholars have tried to analyze and explain why teachers are better than doctors whereas, in the real sense, both professions are significant in their field.

This publication aims to clarify the level of significance of both teachers and doctors in the real world and give reasons why teachers are better than doctors.

Who Are Teachers Vs Doctors?

Teachers are mostly considered educationists since their primary duties revolve around educating people to acquire knowledge. A teacher passes down knowledge through various forms of communication and this knowledge helps shape an individual to become a better version of themselves. Teachers understand the importance of education, and how it helps shape lives.

Doctors on the other hand are viewed in high esteem because as one of the best professions in the world, they are responsible for saving lives, diagnosing and prescribing treatments for medical conditions, and they offer medical advice that allows people to manage their health.

There have been several debates on why doctors are better than teachers since they majorly save lives and help manage people’s health. Meanwhile, some renowned philosophers have argued that doctors would not exist without the presence of a teacher to impact people with relevant knowledge in the field.

Similarities Between Teachers And Doctors

  • Doctors and teachers often receive licenses to practice their profession.
  • Teachers and doctors conduct researches that help improve people’s health.
  • Teachers and doctors are one of the most populated professions in the world.
  • They are both viewed with high prestige in the society.
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Teachers Vs Doctors; Which Is Better?

The argument for the best profession in the world is often centered on determining what profession is better between teachers and doctors. There is without a doubt that both professions are important in every societal setting however, teachers are better than doctors because they are more reliable and go a long way in influencing people’s lives.

The next section will explain in detail why teachers are better than doctors.

Top Reasons Why Teachers Are Better Than Doctors

1. Teachers Impact All Professions

Trends have shown that both doctors and teachers impact people’s lives positively. Various scholars have argued this point since doctors treat all professions. For example, whenever a teacher is sick, a doctor diagnose and prescribe medications for the teacher. Meanwhile, it is believed that doctors will cease to exist if there are no teachers to educate them in college and medical schools.

2. Responsibility

In terms of responsibility, teachers are better than doctors. Although doctors are more respected for saving lives, and given the complexity of their work, they usually fail to assume responsibility for their failures even when things go wrong. For example, a doctor can perform a surgical operation on a patient and end up doing more damage to the human body, and they rarely assume responsibility for their actions instead they ensure the patient or his guarantor pays up their fees.

Meanwhile, teachers often assume responsibility for all of their students and do their best to carry every student along. For instance, In a situation where students under a teacher’s supervision record a high failure rate, the teacher can be queried or fired.

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3. Less Risk

The risks involved with being a doctor are higher than that of a teacher. Any little mistake can result in the loss of a person’s life or cause havoc that could take a huge amount of money or years of treatment to treat.

Teachers on the other hand handle minimal risks as compared with a doctor. This puts teachers at a higher advantage since every error that occurs during teaching can easily be rectified.

4. Activities

If you are someone who despises the sight of blood then you are going to find a teacher job more interesting. A doctor cannot simply avoid interacting with human blood, but a teacher’s job revolves around the classroom where he has a low chance of interacting with blood.

5. Influence

The primary function of teachers is to impart knowledge to students. Their experience with people shapes people’s lives for a long time. On the other hand, the effect a doctor has on people is only temporary.

For example, a teacher has a way of influencing life choices people make for the long term. These choices include choice of partner, and occupation, amongst others. A doctor can only Influence decisions related to a person’s health temporarily.

6. Reliability

In terms of reliability, a teacher is considered more reliable than a doctor. Over the years, trends have shown that doctors often do not record high success rates when they administer treatment or surgical operations on a person. Meanwhile, teachers are more reliable in executing their duties and often have minimal fail rates as compared with doctors.

7. Societal Values

Both doctors and teachers are important to every society. A teacher however offers more value to society as compared with a doctor. The diverse teaching styles adopted by teachers offer more value than any other medical health benefits.

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8. Less Formality

The relationship between a doctor and a patient is strictly formal and any form of interaction outside of the medical field is prohibited. This means the interaction between a doctor and a patient ends after the completion of his treatment or diagnosis. However, a teacher can communicate with their students and parents outside of the academic walls giving them room to further mentor and teach a child. This gives teachers more influence than doctors in the real world.

9. Importance

Doctors are only considered important when a person’s health is deficient. People mostly visit the doctor’s office whenever they feel unwell but teachers play a pivotal role in mentoring a student from the cradle stage up until old age.

10. Learning

As humans, we must keep learning every day because the world is vast and the knowledge a teacher possesses is unquantifiable as compared with a doctor.

If you have a passion for acquiring, then you will find a teacher occupation better than that of a doctor because teachers study from various fields and are knowledgeable in virtually every sector, unlike doctors who only focus their learning in their field.


In summary, although there have been countless arguments on which profession is better between teachers and doctors, both professions are essential. A doctor helps manage people’s health, but teachers are often responsible for equipping medical doctors with the requisite knowledge.

In terms of revenue generation, the fact however remains that teachers are underpaid compared to doctors, but the value of their services is priceless.

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