Reasons why you should study abroad

Top 16 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

You do not need to be convinced about the great benefits you can get when you leave home to study Abroad. There are lots more you stand to gain than the usual excitement of going to a place you have probably not been to or explored enough.

You have already spent a large part of your in your home country. You can decide to take a break and experience a breath of fresh air. If you are still undecided, perhaps the following reasons why you should consider studying abroad might convince you:

1. New experiences

Studying abroad is no doubt a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience new cultures, meet new friends and have a feel of what is to live outside your own terrain. When you look at it, the world is a puzzle as there are unique traditions, languages, foods, customs, activities, people, landscapes, etc that are not available in your home country.

For this reason, studying abroad will provide you with an opportunity to create great memories and new experiences, you can explore new places or meet locals who could give you more insight into their country’s history or culture.

2. Gain practical Knowledge

Going away to study in a foreign land is a great chance for students to pick up some proper work know-how and give their language skills a real boost by diving headfirst into the local scene.

In some programs, you might just find yourself rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck into a work gig in order to complete your degree or earn some money while living abroad. Foreign students can also nab a spot in paid internships and courses where they can learn also more.

Another option is starting your own business through an international program such as the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program offered by Georgetown University or The Founder Institute which provides students with the necessary tools and relationships they need to launch their own start-up company.

3. Break out of your comfort zone

You have lived far too long in your home country. Studying abroad is an opportunity to experience life outside of your home country. You can break out of what you are used to, especially your comfort zone, and build memories that you can nurture for life and also share with others.

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People who are a little shy or guarded back home, but after studying abroad can come out of their shells and become much more open to new experiences – living independently really changes your perspective on how you should be treated as a person, so this can help improve your personal development.

4. Intensive language courses for free!

Studying abroad allows students to quickly learn foreign languages and also gain fluency in a shorter period as well as those looking to prepare for future careers where the ability to speak another language is an asset.

It’s also a way to meet people from all over the world since every country speaks a different language. The best part about studying abroad is that many universities offer free or discounted intensive language courses to international students, especially if they are taking classes within their own school (i.e. French Language and Culture offered by the University of Alabama).

5. Personal growth through challenges

When you leave your comfort zone, it not only provides you with great memories, but it can also help improve personal development through overcoming various challenges such as learning new concepts in a foreign language, adjusting to new surroundings, etc.

Overcoming these challenges will most likely change you which can be viewed as either positive or negative depending on how you handle the situation – personally, I view it positively since I believe our main goals should be challenging ourselves so we can grow as people.

6. Gain a competitive advantage in the workplace

The number of companies that require fluency in other languages is increasing year after year. Many international job opportunities require fluency in English and a second language because it allows you to communicate your message to a much wider audience.

If you want to study abroad but are concerned about how this will affect your future career then there are plenty of ways to gain experience or even pursue internships that can help improve your employability – asking for an internship at the school itself is always another option if they have on-campus resources for students looking for paid work.

7. Travel (and explore the world)

Studying abroad gives you the opportunity of traveling around the world while studying at some amazing universities which may not be possible if you only learn in your home country.

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This is especially true for international students since they can travel around their host country without any problems (hotels, food, flights) and also get the opportunity to attend various conferences or events that would not likely be available if they were staying in their home country.

8. Experience something new

One of the most common things I hear about studying abroad through recruitment websites is how it provides students with an amazing chance to experience new cultures and ways of life which will result in a much more interesting and diverse personal development than staying at school for an extra semester.

9. Gain skills not taught at university

Some universities may not offer certain courses you’re interested in because they’re purely elective courses not required for graduation.

One of the best ways to gain these skills if you’re in this situation is to study abroad since many schools offer different courses similar to what would be required at your university back home, but also provides you with a great chance of seeing new places and meeting people from all over the world.

10. Great way to meet people

Top 16 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad


Studying abroad is one of the best ways to make friends from around the world since it allows you to connect with individuals from different countries who have unique stories and perspectives about their culture which will help provide a more clear understanding of other cultures while also giving you a chance at learning a second language. If you want some advice on how to make friends while studying overseas, read my article about it here.

11. Save money by living with a local family

If you don’t want to stay in student accommodation or pay for an apartment, then staying with a host family can be another great option that allows you to gain the full experience of studying abroad since many families are eager to meet new people from around the world and will provide you with free food and housing (some may require payment but it’s usually very affordable).

You can check out some websites like Homestay which provides listings of international students looking for host families all over the world.

12. Experience local life

One of my favorite memories while studying abroad is how I got to experience local life without having to worry about transportation costs even feeling excluded because I didn’t fully understand what the locals were talking about.

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In addition, I got to see how people in certain countries do things differently than others and it made me realize that there is not one specific way of being a “good person” or “doing something right.”

13. Gain more independence

Studying abroad provides you with the chance to gain a level of independence that most university students might not have by living on their own in a foreign city without having to worry about strict dorm rules or parents always wondering where you are going/who you’re with. Not only that, but many schools offer free or cheap activities for international students which opens up lots of new opportunities depending on your interests (camping, music festivals, hiking).

14. Enjoy traveling

Studying abroad means that you are taking a step towards your dream of visiting new cities, countries, and continents that may or may not be possible if you merely stay at school for an extra semester. You can also take advantage of your time in these places to visit the many historical sites around the world so you don’t have to worry about traveling long distances when you return home.

15. Discover hidden talents

One of the best ways to discover hidden talents is by studying abroad since it allows students to try something they’ve never done before without having their friends or family judge them into thinking it’s another “one of their phases.” I think that pretty much sums up all three months I spent studying in China but there were definitely more perks than I expected which made the experience all the better.

16. Gain real-world experience

Studying abroad provides you with a great opportunity for gaining real-world experience by studying your major in an international setting which allows you to have to adapt in order to survive in another culture even if it means struggling through language barriers or trying out new foods that may not sound appealing at first but are ultimately delicious.

I hope this article helped convince you to study abroad! Feel free to leave any other tips in the comments below!

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