Why do people lie on their LinkedIn profiles

Why People Lie on their LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is the biggest and most popular social networking site for professionals. It allows users to create profiles, connect with other professionals, and explore job and career opportunities.

Some LinkedIn stats

  1. There are over 810 Million users on LinkedIn.
  2. 6 out of 10 users actively look for industry insights on LinkedIn, making it the perfect place to share your content.
  3. 280 billion feed updates are viewed annually, so there’s a lot of opportunity for you to be seen.
  4. LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs, so it’s a great place to market your business.
  5. 93% of B2B content marketers use LinkedIn for organic social marketing, making it one of the most popular platforms for this type of marketing.
  6. Over 300K remote jobs in the U.S. are posted on LinkedIn
  7. Over 120K schools of different disciplines and levels are registered on LinkedIn
  8. According to a study by LendEDU, One in every 10 LinkedIn profiles has some element of deception.

But why do people lie on their LinkedIn profiles?

Why do people lie on their LinkedIn profile

Well, there could be any number of reasons why someone might want to pad their LinkedIn profile. Maybe they’re trying to make themselves look more attractive to potential employers. or maybe they just want to appear more accomplished than they really are.

Whatever the reasons may be, it’s important to remember that LinkedIn is a professional networking site. That means that people are generally trying to put their best foot forward and present themselves in the best possible light.

So while going through someone’s profile, it’s still a good idea to take everything with a grain of salt.

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Consider a new study done by LendEDU, an online marketplace for student loan refinance loans, which suggests that one in ten of the profiles consists of some degree of lies.

Mike Brown, a LendEDU.com research analyst disclosed that while he anticipated individuals to tell lies on LinkedIn, the amount of people who lied in some manner, including the 11% who claimed their profile was very nearly a complete fabrication, shocked me!

LinkedIn Profile Lies

  • 34% of Respondents Lie to Some Degree on Their LinkedIn Profiles

  • 55% Say “Skills” is the Biggest Lie on Their LinkedIn Profiles

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“If potential hires seemingly have all the skills you are looking for, approach with diligence. According to our data, there is a 55% chance that they are fabricating at least one of their skills,” Brown said.

How to Uncover Lying LinkedIn Profiles?

There are a few things you can do to uncover lying LinkedIn profiles:

  1. Check the profile for inconsistencies. Are the dates and job titles accurate? Is the profile information consistent with what’s been published online or in other professional profiles?
  2. Look at the contact info. If the person has provided their email address, try mailing them to see if they respond. If they have a website listed, try visiting it to see if it exists. You can also search for their name on Google or social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
  3. Check out their connections. Do they have any common connections with you? Are any of their connections suspicious (e.g., fake profiles, unemployed people, etc.)?
  4. See if they have any recommendations. LinkedIn allows users to recommend one another. If someone has no recommendations, that’s a red flag.
  5. Do a Google image search of their profile photo. This is a quick way to see if the person is using a fake or stolen photo.
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While it’s impossible to completely verify every profile on LinkedIn, taking these steps can help you weed out the liars and uncover the truth. And in an age when it’s so easy to lie online.

Why do people lie generally online on social media?

People often lie on social media because they want to project a positive image of themselves to others. They may feel that if they share truthful information about their lives, it will make them look bad or like they have nothing to offer.

In addition, many people lie on social media in order to gain attention or approval from others. They may fabricate stories or post photos that are not actually representative of their lives in order to garner more “likes” or comments.

However, the main reason is usually that people want to appear better than they really are or that they crave affirmation from others.

Can you lie about your work experience on LinkedIn?

Yes. You can list any jobs you want on your LinkedIn profile, regardless of whether or not you’ve actually held those positions. However, if someone does a background check or contacts your former employers, they may find out that you’ve lied.

That said, if you’re only listing positions that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, there’s a good chance that your potential employer won’t bother checking your work history too closely. And even if they do, it’s unlikely that they’ll care if you’ve padded your resume a bit – as long as you can do the job well.

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Can you put fake information on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can put fake information on LinkedIn, but it’s against the rules.

LinkedIn is a professional networking site, and as such, it’s important to provide accurate information about your experience and qualifications. LinkedIn has a number of policies in place to help ensure the accuracy of information on the site, including a policy against providing false or misleading information.

If you’re caught providing false or misleading information on LinkedIn, you may be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of your account. So it’s important to be honest and accurate when creating your profile on LinkedIn.

Does LinkedIn verify or confirm Employment?

LinkedIn does not currently have a verification process for employment, but they do have a process for removing fake information from users’ profiles. Employers can also report violations of their policy against providing false information on LinkedIn.

How do I get 500+ connections on LinkedIn?

You could start by optimizing your profile and completing your LinkedIn profile sections. You can also join groups relevant to your industry or profession, and look for ways to add value by sharing your knowledge and insights.

You can also reach out to people you know who are already connected to people you want to connect with and ask them to introduce you. And lastly, be patient and keep adding value — over time, your connections will grow as long as you continue to put in the effort.

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