Highest Paying Jobs in HealthCare

Top 15 Highest Paying Jobs In Healthcare

Working in the healthcare sector involves the responsibility of caring for sick and diseased individuals. Healthcare professionals and specialists exist with the goal of improving or maintaining people’s health conditions.

With the uproar in the world’s population, there’s the demand for more hands in the healthcare industry resulting in the availability of several job opportunities.

What Are High-Paying Jobs In Healthcare?

Looking back in history, doctors and surgeons were always the highest paid in the healthcare industry and it is still the same now. However, it’s important to note that working in the healthcare sector, in general, often comes with competitive compensation.
Other lucrative careers in the medical field include dentists, radiographers, nurses, pharmacists, pediatrics, etc.

Why Choose A Career In The Healthcare Industry?

People tend to choose a career in the healthcare industry because of the remuneration benefits. Meanwhile, some explore the industry because are passionate about saving lives, as well as contributing their quota towards the maintenance, and improvements of health conditions within their society.

Finding a career in the healthcare industry is typically easy due to its dynamic nature. There are physician and non-physician roles, as well as administrative positions in the field. The demand for these professions continues to grow with the increasing world population.

This publication will review 15 of the best roles in the healthcare sector that are flexible and attract high pay.

Top Paying Careers in the Healthcare Industry

1. Medical Doctor/ Surgeon

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $220,000

The medical doctor profession is a prominent occupation for medical scientists. Doctors are responsible for providing diagnostic services, utilizing various laboratory apparatus. They also recommend appropriate treatments and counseling after completing a diagnosis.

Doctors can find employment opportunities in hospitals, business organizations, and international organizations. They also work in partnership with various health practitioners in the field such as pharmacists, nurses, radiographers, etc.

Medical doctors will need to hold an advanced degree in medical course programs before they can provide diagnosis, treatment, and surgical services.

2. Healthcare Manager

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $111,000

Healthcare managers is one of the top-rated jobs you can find in the medical line. It involves running day-to-day activities of health facilities. They coordinate the affairs and ensures the smooth running of healthcare facilities such as hospitals, medical research laboratory, etc.

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People with a degree in health care management or relevant management degrees can find employment in this field. However, people with years of experience in offering medical services can be promoted to the position of healthcare Manager.

3. Dentist

  • Average Yearly Earnings:$180,000

Dentists are in high demand because a lot of people do not know how to care for their teeth. This profession primarily focuses on the treatment, and care of human teeth. They diagnose and treat several issues that pertain to the teeth and the human mouth.

Dentists are highly paid for their services in hospitals, research centers, and dental clinics where they perform duties such as diagnosis measures such as carrying out/interpreting X-ray results of the teeth teeth removal, and filling of cavities.

4. Podiatrist

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $70,600

Podiatrists is an infamous job in the healthcare sector. Professionals in this field provide diagnosis services and treatment for the foot. This means a podiatrist is your go-to guy if you sprain your ankle, sustain any form of injury, or have infections in your lower leg area.

Podiatrists are also specialized in performing surgeries on the leg. Finding employment in this field is usually easy because there are few Podiatrists available in the field.

5. Optometrist

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $90,000

The eye is a very important sense ofvan in the human body and optometrists are doctors who specialize in the care of the eyes. They are responsible for diagnosing various causes of eye defects and offering treatment solutions.

Optometrists can perform surgeries on the eye, recommend medication, recommend contact, etc to improve the performance of the eyesight. Optometrists must obtain a relevant degree in the field as well as a license from the state government before they are allowed to practice.

6. Veterinarian

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $80,000

Veterinarians are known for taking care of animals. A veterinarian can work independently or work for a private or public firm in providing diagnosis services, giving relevant shots, performing surgeries, and promoting good health in animals.

Veterinarians can be specialized in various departments such as health, nutrition, and surgery, departments while some vets perform all veterinary functions. To be qualified to work as a vet, you must possess an associate degree in veterinary medicine, and have a passion for taking care of animals.

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7. Nurse

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $90,000

The nursing profession plays a vital role in the healthcare sector. They work in line with doctors in offering diagnostic services, administering treatments, and monitoring patient progress. Nurses are also authorized to carry out various tests in health facilities, but they are to answer to the doctors.

Generally, nurses are doctor’s helping hands in the fields. It is usually said that nurses perform more duties in hospitals when compared with doctors. Licensed nurses can also perform medical duties independently but may refer patients to doctors for further treatments.

8. Physician Assistant

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $125,000

Physician assistants perform similar duties to nurses in the areas of assisting doctors or physicians. They also perform administrative functions by keeping records of patient’s medical records and communicating with patients.

9. Physician

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $170,000

Physicians are medical practitioners who specialize in offering treatment and care for people with physical disabilities, physical injuries, etc. They also advise patients on how to improve their overall health performance.

The difference between physicians and doctors is that physicians focus on offering medical services, while doctors offer both medical and surgical services. However, depending on a physician’s area of study, some physicians are licensed to also perform surgical operations.

10. Biomedical Engineer

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $110,000

World development has positively impacted the medical industry, and computer engineers are specialists who use technological inventions to carry out medical operations and improve patient’s health care systems.

Biomedical engineers help create and maintain various technological equipment that are used in health facilities. Examples of this are health monitors, life support systems, etc.

11. Pharmacist

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $150,000

The role of a pharmacist is another top-paying position in the healthcare industry. He is responsible for dispensing drugs to patients following doctor’s prescription, and he can also advise patients on how to administer drugs. Pharmacists also ensure the safe keeping and storage of goods.

Additionally, pharmacists can perform some functions typically done by a doctor, such as administering antibiotic shots, and flu shots, and providing counseling to patients. Usually, a pharmacist will recommend a patient to see a doctor for diagnosis purposes before drugs can be dispensed.

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Pharmacists must hold a degree in pharmaceutical studies before they can work in establishments such as hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and research centers.

12. Dental Hygienist

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $99,000

A dental hygienist is another lucrative medical program. They collaborate with dentists in providing dental care to patients. Their functions include taking x-ray scans, interpreting X-ray scans, removing bacteria in the teeth, and applying various forms of treatment.

In addition, they are responsible for providing an educative guide to patients on how to care for their teeth. A dental hygienist is required to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in dentistry before they can work in this position.

13. Nurse Midwife

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $140,000

The midwifery role has been existing long before the advent of medical facilities in the world. Nurse midwives are professional medical practitioners who are responsible for helping women through the stages of childbirth.

They can recommend medication, and diets for pregnant women, and can also diagnose various problems that may arise during pregnancy stages.

14. Radiation Therapist

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $90,000

Another top rated position in line with the medical profession is the radiation therapist. It involves the use of radioactive energy in treating medical conditions like cancer. A radiation therapist is well equipped with the right skills, and knowledge of handling radioactive equipment.

The use of radioactive equipment has been used to successfully eradicate cancer in patients, and therapists in this field will need to obtain a license from their respective state government to work.

15. Health Counselors

  • Average Yearly Earnings: $85,000

Health counselors can find employment opportunities in health institutions, schools, organizational settings, etc. They are responsible for providing advice to people with medical conditions such as Cancer, STDS, Schizophrenia, diabetes, etc.

A health counselor examines past medical records, and doctor’s reports before offering the right advice on how to live with diseases and various ailments.

In conclusion, this publication has provided an occupational guideline for people in the medical industry. The above job programs often require certification and licensing from relevant institutions.

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